How Laravel is the Best PHP Framework for Business Websites/Portal and Why?

PHP is the most frequently used programming language that is used all over. The release of PHP 7 has made this server-side programming language more popular. You may be thinking about why use the PHP framework for the development of your website rather than raw PHP.

The Benefits of Using PHP Framework

If you have a look at the benefits that can be derived by using the PHP framework for developing your business website then you will defiantly understand why such a framework is ideal for such development.

The first and foremost reason for using PHP framework for website development is that developers can easily scale systems when using this framework. As it becomes easier for developers to develop, you can expect to have a quick and efficient development of your site.

The rapid development is further enhanced due to the MVC model of the framework. The security of your website can also be taken into consideration easily by developers when developing sites using this framework. Moreover, by using the least number of codes you can expect to have the maximum impact.

So, you can easily understand how beneficial it is to use the PHP framework for your business website. But now you confront a confusion of different nature. There are many PHP frameworks that can be used for website development. So, which framework is ideal to be selected for development of websites?

The Questions to Consider While Selecting the Best PHP Framework

There are certain questions that you must have perfect answers to if you wish to decide on which PHP framework you need to use for the development of your business site.

Image Source: Worldwebtechnology
  • Does the framework help to capture the primary objective of your site?

The nature of the site that you wish to have will help you to decide which PHP framework you need to select. Like if your site is a blog site then you must choose that framework that offers various themes and plugins. An e-commerce site will be requiring a framework that allows proper integration of various payment gateways. So, you need to decide what nature of the site you wish to have in order to select the best PHP framework.

  • What nature of automation and documentation is needed for having the means to achieve your business goal?

You must pick a framework that offers good documentation so that programmers can understand the source of code and develop the application properly. Maintaining the source code, documentation and have proper DevOps activity you must select one PHP framework that has an automated section.

  • The nature of support required

If you do not select a PHP Framework that has developmental support then you will have to spend much. So, it is ideal to select a framework that will allow you to have effective support.

The PHP Framework That Needs to Be Selected

Now coming down to the final decision regarding which PHP Framework to choose. Considering all aspects, it can be said that the best PHP Frameworks for the development of your business website is Laravel.


It is a framework that is free and open-source. It offers many plugins which can be used and you can have an easy-to-use UI. Having your website developed using this framework you can have it in many languages and have effective support.

There are various other benefits that this PHP Framework offers which make it be the chosen one for the development of your site. You can expect to have excellent documentation, best security for your site, have an application structure that is practical, have an effective migration of database, and have effective support.

So, considering all these you must use Laravel PHP Framework for the development of your business websites and portals.

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